Can we find evidence of the simulation...?

Will Glitches Reveal the Simulation?
What do I mean by Evidence of Glitches?

Together we can cause glitches to the simulation. Send all evidence in the form of images and video (links) to glitchthesim+at+gmail+dot+com

The theory we might be living in a computer simulation has been proposed by such tech + science leaders as Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Although without clear evidence there is an all encompassing simulation creating our worlds, the idea is only a playground for curious thoughts.

Some are attempting to develop models or explore on the subatomic level for evidence. However my theory is that we, those who are being both generated and influenced by the program, might be able to cause sensorial glitches in the system. To do this I am proposing we attempt to create actions and narratives deviant from probable trajectories.

On an individual level these tasks might have only have small impacts on the system. But when thousands or more follow the same tasks, glitches are possible.

Each of the weekly tasks is defined by four factors: thinking, acting, writing and location+time. The tasks will attempt to oddly blend internal narrative, written story and unrelated actions and places+time.

And should anyone encounter a glitch, an error, a sequence of events outside the expected, I will post the best of those images and videos submitted.

  • Common Questions (yet to be answered)
  • Q1:What happens if we discover a temporary malfunction or fault?
  • Q2:What happens to us if we disable the simulation?
  • Q3:Why does it even matter?
  • Q4:Will we be able to manipulate our surroundings (as in The Matrix)?
  • Q5: Are you insane, or just screwing around?
  • Q6: What if the universal systems administrators turn my program into a Cane Toad?
Best Evidence submitted to Glitch the Sim.
© 2017 Glitch The Sim and Jason Nelson. All rights reserved.